Saint George Choirs
Saint George Choir

The St. George English Choir sings mainly four-part, Western music for liturgical services, seasonal concerts, and other events throughout the year. The choir rehearses weekly. Those who love to sing, regardless of their musical background, are welcome to speak with the choir director to come join us in leading prayer with beautiful music!
Interested in Joining the Saint George Choir – fill out the form to the right and let us know.
Those who love to sing, regardless of their musical background, are welcome to speak with the choir director to come join us in leading prayer with beautiful music!
The Choir Rehearses on most Tuesday evenings.
St. George English Children's Choir Ages 5-12

Interested in Joining the Saint George Children’s Choir – fill out the form to the right and let us know.
Children who love to sing
are welcome to speak with the choir director to come join us at any time!
The St. George English Children’s Choir sings both four-part, Western music and English Byzantine music for liturgical services, seasonal concerts, and other events throughout the year. During church services, the children’s choir joins the St. George English Choir.
Weekly children’s choir rehearsals feature singing, enjoying snacks together, and having fun with creative musical activities. Children who love to sing are welcome to speak with the choir director to come join us at any time!
Teen Choir

The first rehearsal starts September 14th
and every Saturday thereafter.
The English Teen Choir is a choir for those aged 13-17 who love to sing! The choir will practice singing church hymns in harmony to sing in concerts and church services throughout the year.
The choir will rehearse at 4 pm on Saturdays, and those who wish to also sing in the Byzantine choir can join Byzantine rehearsals at 5 pm on Saturdays. Others can stay with us for snacks, socializing, and music activities until 6 pm.
We will start the year off right away preparing music for an upcoming concert. Please consider joining, and bring your friends!
English Language using Western Notation
Interested in Joining the Teen Choir – fill out the form to the right and let us know.
Saint George Byzantine Ecclesiastical Choir

- Who can participate? Teens and young adults who are interested in learning Byzantine music and chanting in Arabic and in English. According to their knowledge in chanting, new members will be asked to join either the beginners’ group under the direction of Father Gabriel Abldelnour or the more advanced one under the direction of the Byzantine Youth Choir Director and Teacher, Johanna Tannous.
- Rehearsals are at 5:00 PM, on Saturdays for the beginners’ group and on Wednesdays at 7 PM for the advanced one.
For inquiry, please fill out the form below.
Interested in Joing the Byzantine Youth Choir – fill out the form to the right and let us know.
Rehearsals are:
- At 5:00 PM, on Saturdays for the beginners’ group
- On Wednesdays at 7 PM for the advanced group.

Our First Chanter – George Fattouh leads our chanters for the Sunday Orthros and other Services throughout the week and year.
Interested in Joining Our Chanters- fill out the form to the right and let us know.
Antiochian Women

The Antiochian Women’s Organization is open to all Adult Women of the parish. Meetings are held once a month. Typically, on a Wednesday evening.
The Antiochian Women sponsors many dinners. the parish Bazaar, and hosts spiritual talks and presentations for the entire parish.
If you would like more information on the Antiochian Women or would like to be placed on their email list so you know when meetings will take place, use the form to the right to provide your contact information and fill in the message field, so we know what you want.
Mothers Group

The Mothers Group meets monthly on a Saturday between 4-6 PM.
Mothers of all ages and experiences gather together to explore their Orthodox Faith and share in raising and forming their children in Christ
If you would like more information on the Mothers Group or would like to be placed on their Whatsap list so you know when meetings will take place, use the form to the right to provide your contact information and fill in the message field, so we Can add you to our group.
Mentoring Program
The Mentoring Program At Saint George Orthodox Church of Montreal is being started again. More to come…
If you would like more information on the Antiochian Women or would like to be placed on their email list so you know when meetings will take place, use the form to the right to provide your contact information and fill in the message field, so we know what you want.
Men's Brotherhood of St George

The Men’s Brotherhood of St. George is dedicated to helping men improve themselves and grow closer to God. Established on October 28, 2023, the Brotherhood provides a supportive and respectful environment for men over 25.
Members participate in monthly discussions and various events, ranging from theological topics to practical life issues. Past activities include charity trips and social gatherings, with discussions on the Bible, how to navigate modern society, and effective parenting strategies.
Meetings are held every last Wednesday of the month, offering a chance to engage in meaningful discussions and form lasting bonds with fellow members.
more information and to get involved, fill out the form to the right.
We look forward to welcoming you to our next meeting and having you as part of
our community.
Saint George Social Club (SGSC)
The Saint George Social Club aims to create a communal space for Saint George parishioners, their families, and friends. In this relaxed and friendly environment, attendees can interact, connect, and enjoy social games, food, and fellowship. The group meets regularly in our parish hall, typically on the evenings of the first Thursday of each month (from 6:00 to 10:30 pm).
The SGSC sponsors the Medayeh Supper and the Paschal Meal, in addition to organizing fundraising events such as the Valentine’s Dinner Party and the New Year’s Eve Party. It warmly welcomes parishioners and their friends.
If you would like more information on the Saint George Social Club or would like to be placed on their email list so you know when meetings will take place, use the form to the right to provide your contact information and fill in the message field, so we know what you want.

We organize enjoyable activities focused on worship, witness, service, and fellowship.
These events are open to all teenagers aged 13-19.
You can find details about these activities in the Church Bulletin each week.
For more information about our organization, please reach out to our Teen SOYO president via email or use the form provided in this section below.
If you would like more information on Teen SOYO, or would like to be placed on their email list so you know when meetings will take place, use the form to the right to provide your contact information and fill in the message field, so we know what you want.
Cercle Saint-Georges Circle
Year after year, The Cercle Saint-Georges Circle sponsors the Epiphany Celebration and the last Madayeh meal; hosts extended coffee hours for Godparents’ Sundays, the Feast of the Cross, and special Church activities. The Cercle Saint-Georges Circle always gives generous contributions to the Food for the Hungry Appeal and to other needy organizations. We participate in all Church activities such as the Fall Retreat, the Saint George Feast Day Brunch and much more. Our mission is primarily to raise funds for the youth for such events as their Annual Soccer Tournament (soccer uniforms, soccer balls, etc., if need be), Communion Breakfasts, Altar Boy vestments, etc..
In the early sixties, many young Egyptian families of Orthodox heritage immigrated to Canada and chose Saint-George Antiochian Orthodox Church as their parish. As the number of families grew, a group of former Scoutmasters from Egypt decided, in 1967, to establish The Cercle Saint-Georges Circle to sponsor the social, sporting and humanitarian aspects related to the youth of the Church. Many more activities followed such as the establishment of a Scout movement (the first in Montreal for a Middle Eastern community!), the formation of a Byzantine choir, Sunday Coffee Hours (popular and successful to this day!), excursions and dance parties (New Year Eve & Valentine’s parties), just to name a few.
Over the years, The Cercle Saint-Georges Circle expanded and was enriched by the contribution of young Lebanese, Palestinian & Syrian, and Canadian families.
Always looking for new members!
If interested in joining The Cercle Saint-Georges Circle, use the Form to the right to provide your contact information and fill in the message field.
The Parish Council

The Parish Council of Saint George Orthodox Church of Montreal oversees the Financial Resources, Facilities, and other important needs of the Church Community.
The 2024 – 2025 Parish Council:
- Carol Jazzar, President of the Parish Council
- Elie Mallouk Vice–President
- Tamara Karawi Secretary
- Gregory Ayoup Treasurer
- Samer Al Laham
- Laura Habib
- Fares Maalouly
- Nick Maliha
- Cynthia Mégélas
- Fr Joseph Purpura, Pastor
If you would like to contact the Parish Council President Carol Jazzar, please use the form to the right.
Young Adult Ministry

The Saint George Young Adult Group meets regularly for fellowship and to explore their Orthodox Faith.
Meetings typically take place on Saturdays.
If you would like more information on the Young Adult Group or would like to be placed on their email list so you know when meetings will take place, use the form to the right to provide your contact information and fill in the message field, so we know what you want.
Church School

Ages 3-19
Church School is a key contributor to the spiritual growth of children and teenagers aged 3 to 19. It takes place in the St. George Youth Center right after Holy Communion from mid-September to mid-June. It presents an opportunity of deepening the understanding of the Faith in conjunction with the irreplaceable teachings of Divine Liturgy every Sunday.
The Church School curriculum, programs and activities aim to provide children with the tools that can help them understand their Orthodox faith; establish a deeper and personal relationship with God; and encourage their active participation in Parish life. They also intend to help participants bond with each other and become solid Christian Orthodox individuals that can witness to their faith through their behavior and positive contribution in society.
Parents have an undeniable role in the success of this organization as without their commitment to bringing children to church in a timely and regular manner, and to follow up on their learnings in Liturgy and Church School, the 45 to 75 minutes weekly classes can unfortunately have little effect.
There are no participation fees to take part in Church School as teachers are church volunteers and a number of the St. George organizations steadfastly contribute to its financial needs. Parents are however encouraged to assist in Church School events to set an example for their children and contribute to the fellowship of the community.
For More information on our Church School please use the form to the right.
Arabic Bible Study

The Arabic Bible Study meets every other Saturday in the Church Hall following the Saturday evening Vespers.
Bible Study is done in the Arabic Language
Everyone is welcome to join the Arabic Bible Study. For more information and to be informed of the schedule fill in the form to the right and or check the weekly Church Bulletin.
West Island Bible Study

The West Island Bible Study (WIBS) is an English-speaking bible study of which its purpose is to have a St. George spiritual activity for West Island St. George Parishioners close to home in a relaxed and informal environment.
It should be noted that anyone from St. George no matter where they live or adult friends of our parishioners of all ages are welcome to attend. The group studies books of the Orthodox Study Bible in line with other organizations of our Church. The sessions include interactive discussions as to how we are to apply the Word of God as a guide in navigating activities and challenges of everyday life.
The WIBS will be meeting every third Tuesday of the month from 7:30 to 9:30 pm, followed by a short “coffee hour” throughout the year at the home of Diane Nemer, (email for address).
For further information, please contact Diane using the form below.
Sessions are led by either Michel Sarkis, Father Joseph Purpura, or Father Gabriel Abdelnour. Announcements pertaining to upcoming sessions will be published in the Church Bulletin.
We look forward to seeing you at our season kick-off brunch in September; keep your eyes open for our announcement in the Church Bulletin!
The West Island Bible study conducts its session in English. For more information and for the location please use the form to the right.
Teen/Young Adult Bible Study

Ages 5-12
The Children sing at special services and every Sunday with the St George Choir
English Language using Western Notation
Interested in joining the Churchildrens Choir fill in the contact form below.
Ages 5-12
The Children sing at special services and every Sunday with the St George Choir
English Language using Western Notation
Interested in joining the Churchildrens Choir fill in the contact form below.
Arabic Language Classes

Ages 5-12
The Children sing at special services and every Sunday with the St George Choir
English Language using Western Notation
Interested in joining the Churchildrens Choir fill in the contact form below.
Ages 5-12
The Children sing at special services and every Sunday with the St George Choir
English Language using Western Notation
Interested in joining the Churchildrens Choir fill in the contact form below.

Saint George Orthodox Church of Montreal offers Tutoring to members of the Church from Grades Five through College
If You are a member of Saint George Orthodox Church of Montreal and would like more information on our Tutoring Program fill out the form to the right.
Legacy Fund

St. George Legacy Fund
Our Mission:
Ministering to the humanitarian, cultural, heritage and pastoral needs of St George Community and strengthening and growing St George Church and Community for this and future generations.
The legacy fund will embody the programs and projects to meet such needs and to ensure such legacy within the scope and means of its financial resources
The Legacy Fund supports 3 main areas in our community.
- Legacy Outreach
Health and harmony responsible for:
- Providing the resources for preparing our couples for marriage.
- Helping to provide counseling resources for our Church members, including financial help to pay for these services.
- Offering sessions and workshops on topics relevant to different cohorts within our community.
- Funding and running Community Care and Comfort which cares for the needs of the less fortunate and unwell in the community.
- Community Growth
- Providing resources for the education in the faith of our youth, and the continuing education of our clergy and choir members.
- Special Community projects
- Youth projects & programmes
- Special projects and outreach beyond our own Church community.
- Humanitarian and Heritage
- The main objective of Humanitarian and Heritage is managing and growing the fund for the future of this Church Community.
If you would like to contribute to the Legacy Endowment Fund use the form to the right to contact our Legacy Chair for further information.
Trinity Fund

The Trinity Fund
Our mission:
The St. George Trinity Fund is dedicated to the future financial well-being of St. George Church in helping to meet ongoing financial obligations and the maintenance of the Church and Community center.
Ongoing support of the operations account through annual contributions of interest earned on the Trinity Funds.
- Support of the ongoing operations of St George
- Ongoing church preservation
- Safety, structure, and restoration of our church
- Preservation of the heritage site of St. George Church and Community Center
If You Would Like To Contribute To The Trinity Endowment Fund Use The Form To The Right To Contact Our Trinity Chair For Further Information