Saint George Orthodox Church of Montreal
Serving Orthodox Christians in the Greater Montreal Region
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Sent each Saturday Morning
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Come to Saint George and Worship with us!
the church
You matter to God. You matter to us
Saint George traces its history back to the Apostolic times where the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch.
We welcome all people who desire to know and to participate in the life of the Holy Orthodox Church.

Connect with our Church.
Let us hear from you.
How can we help you?
V. Rev. Dr. Joseph F Purpura, Pastor
Rev. Fr. Gabriel Abdel Nour, Assistant Pastor
Orthros Liturgy at Saint George
Come Explore the Depths of Orthodoxy
The richness of Orthodoxy spans from Creation, through the Old Testament, on through the New Testament, to the early Church and the deep thoelogy of Fathers of the Church, to and to the present experience of God in our lives today.
Come experience the Church that gave us the New Testament Bible.